
Tuesday 4 October 2011

Parts of speech work:by adam

Week Six:
Set One:
Adverbs: tell us HOW, WHEN, or WHERE an action takes place.


1. Jonah carefully picked up the black spider.

2. Trinity noisily slurped the spaghetti through his teeth.

3. Room 6 quickly ate their lunch so they could go outside to play.

4. Puke tripped and bumped his head hard on the edge of the desk.

5. The handsome prince bravely fought the fierce dragon.

Now use the adverbs in your own sentences.

1. Carefully:Trinity carefully handed out the netbooks.

2.Noisily:I noisily pushed my chair in.

3.Quickly:I quickly went to the hospital.

4.hard:I tripped over hard and broke my arm.

5.Bravely:I bravely faced my fear.